Individual Counseling & Psychotherapy

At CenterPeace Counseling, individual sessions begin with an open dialogue about the issues that bring each client to the office. It is an opportunity to build a relationship that may lead to insights, behavioral changes, resolution of emotional issues, and overall better functioning for each client. Because of the diversity of presenting client issues, various techniques of counseling and psychotherapy are employed in the service of helping each individual. We honor the unique qualities of each person who seeks assistance in our office, tailoring our techniques to the specific situation.
Marital/Couples Counseling

Many couples come to CenterPeace to heal their relationship. They enter the room not sure of how it will work, often citing many attempts on their own to reduce conflict, resolve issues and build trust, to no avail. They feel empty, angry, anxious and alone. In the couples work, the therapist and clients begin by identifying the core issues that create mistrust and wounding to each partner, and then proceed to have fruitful, goal-directed dialogues that get results. Many couples report feeling heard and respected in ways that they previously could not produce on their own, and they feel more confident that they are on solid ground when they complete their counseling. Most couples state that they wish they had come in sooner to begin the process.
Adolescent & Young Adult Counseling

The emotional and mental health needs of younger people continue to evolve as the circumstances of societal life change. We have many years of experience working with this age-group, and periodically work with parents or guardians as part of the process. When a positive relationship is established, transformation is frequently within reach. Oftentimes, identity and/or life-path crises challenge clients in this age-group to find their way. We specialize in facilitating the insight that will carry them to stability and growth.
Addiction/Compulsive Illness Recovery

Working with compulsive illness starts with determining where the individual is in making a change. It is a stage process, moving from contemplation, to decision-making, to action for change. We believe that compulsive illness is not a weakness of character, but a pattern of behavior that can be altered toward recovery. The afflicted person deserves clinical care appropriate to the severity of the addiction, and we have many years of experience with inpatient, intensive outpatient, and traditional outpatient, in facilitating "the work." Relapse prevention is often provided to clients referred from rehabilitation facilities. We see clients who have struggled with alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex/love, work, internet pornography - including chatting.